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Votre praticien en ostéopathie et professeur de yoga :

Olivier Otman (D.O., M. Ost.)

Il a fait ses études au Royaume-Uni à l'École Européenne d'Ostéopathie de Maidstone (ESO). Cette formation à temps plein sur quatre ans lui a permis d'obtenir le "diplôme en ostéopathie" (D.O.) et un Master en ostéopathie (M. Ost) de l’université de Greenwich en 2011. ​ Il a également étudié et pratiqué d'autres méthodes de thérapies manuelles, notamment le Shiatsu, la "thérapie cranio-sacrée", la digitopression, et le Tuina (massage thérapeutique chinois). Durant son expérience à l'étranger, il a exercé au Royaume-Uni, au Canada, au Pérou, en Suède, au Cambodge, aux Philippines, en Chine et à Taïwan. ​


Il a été formé à l'enseignement du yoga à la fédération française de yoga à Paris en 2005 avec Gérard Arnaud (formation certifiée Yoga Alliance), et recommande ainsi souvent des exercices tirés du yoga en compléments des traitements. ​ Son parcours l'a amené à voyager en Inde et vivre plusieurs années en Asie orientale, où il étudié et pratiqué les méthodes orientales de soin et de méditation (Zen, Vipassana, QiGong).

Il est spécialisé dans l'accompagnement des personnes ayant entrepris un cheminement de développement psycho-corporel ou artistique (yoga, qi-gong, arts martiaux internes, méditation, psychothérapie, chant, danse, musique instrumentale, arts plastiques, théâtre...), ou étant dotées d'une sensibilité développée.

Il préconise une méthode thérapeutique holistique dans laquelle le patient est acteur et responsable de son processus de rétablissement et de reconstruction de son autonomie physique et psychologique.


Il croit que les méthodes de soins manuels et les thérapies naturelles, par leur capacité à détendre le corps et favoriser le bien-être mental, sont une contribution essentielle au développement du potentiel humain individuel autant que collectif.

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"My treatment with Olivier was my first experience with an osteopath, and it was everything I had hoped for and more. Olivier first discusses with you what you are looking to accomplish with treatment, then observes you as you stand and walk to evaluate your movement.

He discusses with you any physical issues you may have and what goals you hope to get from the treatment and gives you some suggestions for that goal.

After that, you lie on his table and receive light massage, joint manipulation, spinal release, and body rebalancing.

I am not a "new-ager" by any means, but there is more to our body that the merely physical aspect. I prefer to think he helps rebalance the nervous system which has beneficial effects for the whole self.

In addition, Olivier is obviously a very cool and caring individual, well worth seeing if you have any physical issues or just want to feel better than OK." James (Tainan, Taiwan, June 2016)

"Je suis reconnaissante du travail qu'Olivier a fait pour mon fils et pour moi.

Grâce à lui, mon fils de deux ans fait enfin ses nuits. Il a fallu un mois après une première visite pour que les effets du traitement se mettent en place, mais maintenant c'est bon. Mon fils fait ses nuits, ce qui n'était jamais arrivé depuis sa naissance, il mange aussi beaucoup mieux et il s'est également apaisé. De mon côté, grâce à la séance de soins et aux exercices qu'Olivier m'a montré, mon dos va beaucoup mieux." Aurélie (Taichung, Taiwan, May 2016)

"I had been suffering with severe back pain for 10 months with a herniated disc in my lower spine. I had an MRI at a local hospital and the doctor recommended surgery, which I refused. I was having chiropractic treatments twice a week but the pain continued. A friend referred me to Olivier's practice and I contacted him via the Internet. The consultation started here. Olivier took the time to send me detailed information about my situation through electronic messages. During my first treatment he spent time to ask me more questions about my back to get a better, more holistic understanding. At the end of the treatment session I found that I had about 30% increase in lower back mobility. I knew this as I was actually able to put my socks on easily for the first time in months! Olivier taught me some stretches and mobilisation execises to do and as a result of doing them I have been able to keep the back pain away. I would recommend anyone with back pain, or neck pain or any sort of joint pain to try Olivier’s treatments. As one of my friends said after a treatment with him: “He’s a true modern day healer!” " Ali (Tainan, Taiwan, March 2016)



“My baby son Jonah has been a fussy baby since the day he was born. He seemed unable to settle, fall asleep and stay asleep without constantly suckling. He suffered from gassy colic, often crying and pulling his legs up in pain screwing his face up and arching his back,. When he was 8 weeks old we came across Olivier and his osteopathy treatment. We scheduled a session and even during the session Jonah suddenly relaxed and fell into a deep sleep. He started to sleep better immediately after the session and we noticed him being so much more relaxed when he was awake. My husband came back from a work trip and said he felt like we had a different baby. I would highly recommend an osteopathy treatment to all parents with new babies, especilaly those parents of fussy babies.” Corlie (Kunming, China, June 2015)


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